Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting Started with Your First Saltwater Aquarium

By taking the time to properly plan your aquarium now, you can save a lot of
time and money down the road. After all, you want to set it up once and set it
up right.
What equipment do I need?
In order to meet the needs of your fish that are highlighted in Table 1-1,
you should buy much of your equipment right from the start. After all, you
can’t bring home any fish from your dealer unless you have something to put
them into.
Part II of the book tells you about the equipment essential to a successful
marine aquarium:
What about brackish water aquariums?
Although most folks reading some books are interested in aquariums that are
strictly salt water, some are interested in aquariums that are not quite fresh
and not quite salt.
How do I set up the aquarium?
 puts all the pieces of the saltwater aquarium puzzle together and
tells you how to set up the system from start to finish. However, unlike the
typical freshwater aquarium, the marine system needs to mature as your
filtration starts to work. Therefore, you really can’t add fish until your aquarium
has had a chance to establish itself over a couple of weeks. How will you
know? That depends on water chemistry.


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